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    Saving a System

Once you have entered a rule or two into a system-to-be, you will no doubt want to save it; or you may prefer to save an empty system with a name and ID, then save it progressively as you enter rules.

To open an empty system, click the green two-way arrow to open the systems list, then select 'empty system' in that list.


Saving a new system involves two necessary steps and one optional. Please note, it is essential to allocate a unique 1-5 character ID for every system as results are indexed on the System ID. This is particularly important when running a group of systems.


Click the system 'Save' button, and the 'System Save/Save As..' box opens. Enter your system name and unique system ID into the relevant text boxes. The optional, but recommended, step is to enter into the system description text box, a brief note about the system, perhaps indicating its date of completion and the date range of the data you analysed to create it. Add any notes that you see fit. Then click the 'OK' button to save the system.


Systems parameters may be amended at any time but changes will only be stored if you click the 'Save System as..' button, then the 'OK' button. After modifying, adding or deleting system parameters, you can save the resulting system by a new name. Just enter a new System ID and Description and click the 'Save System as...' button, enter a new system name, then click 'OK'.

To recall your system at any time in the future, click on the green two-way arrow beside the system name text box and select the system name from the  drop-down list.

Print System Rules

The rules of a currently selected system can be printed or saved to a file at any time. Right-clicking inside the System Developer window - anywhere over the Selections pane, the Analysis pane or the system rules text box - will invoke a context menu. Clicking on 'Print Rules' will send the System Rules to Windows
® Notepad®, from where it can be printed or saved.

As you can see, the selections produced by the system, and the financial analysis can also be printed via the same method.

Quite often, some of the more advanced users of Windows® replace the rather basic Notepad® with other freely available similar programs containing more fully-featured formatting and page setup features that allow much more flexibility in printing and/or saving files.

Saving a Group of Systems

Two or more individual systems may be saved as a group of systems. The main purpose of saving systems as a group is that instead of running the number of separate systems over today's races to determine your selections, you need only to run the group as a single entity.

Please note that a group of systems should only be used for querying races yet to be run; to identify your selections or possible chances in today's races, for example. The 'group' feature was not designed to analyse historical data. That must be done on a system basis.

To save two or more individual systems as a group...

  [1] Choose the systems to be included in the group by clicking the checkbox next to each required system name in the System Name list. Then close the list.

  [2] Click the save current group as button.

  [3] Enter the name of the group in the Group Save/Save As box, then click the OK button

To recall your system group at any time in the future, click on the green two-way arrow beside the group name text box and select the group name from the  drop-down list, in the same manner as you would select a single system.

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