The Speed Bar

The Speed Bar is an optional tool bar, meaning it can be switched off or on. Depending on the functions and features you have chosen to include in your installation of GTX, it can contain up to eight function buttons, which are shown above. Most of these have equivalent Menu commands and/or Mini Speed Bar buttons.

The standard, or default button style is shown above. The alternative button style, shown below, can be selected via the Setup>Tool Bars function, where you can also include or remove buttons, and choose which order they appear in.

The buttons, and their functions, from left to right, are:

Select and Load Meetings/Races into GTX for viewing and analysing.
Select and Download Meetings to your computer.
Sends all loaded races to your word processor for printing.
Print output is completely customisable to your liking.
Sends only the currently displayed race to your word processor for printing.
Print output is completely customisable to your liking.
Switches the Graphical Photo Finish display on or off.
Opens the Backup - Restore Databases function
Opens the View Messages window

Opens the System Developer or the Race Day Auto Selector, if you have either of those programs.

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