Load Meetings

Load Race button on Speed Bar


Load Meetings’  simply means to select the meeting or meetings you want to look  at, and to open them in the GTX program. Clicking on the ‘Load Race’ button on the Speed Bar or the ‘Load Meetings’ button on the Mini Speed Bar will open the ‘Meeting Management’ menu, from which you can select those meetings you want to load. The meetings you select will appear in the Selected Meetings list.
Load Race Button on Mini-Speed Bar

Some guidelines in the use of the Meeting Management menu:

  • To select a meeting, click on the meeting's three letter code. (eg ASC for Ascot)
  • To select all Metropolitan meetings, double click on an M (Metro). Ditto for P and C.
  • To select all NSW meetings, double click on a NSW meeting. (Same for other states)
  • To select all meetings for the displayed date, double click on the date.
  • To remove a meeting from the selected meetings list, click on its three letter code.
  • To select all today's meetings, click on the T button.

Please remember, you cannot select any meeting unless you have downloaded it first.

Once you have selected the meetings you want to view, before you click the 'Load Meetings' button on the initial occasion, you need to decide whether you want to 'Load by Post Time' or 'Load by Track'. The difference is.

Load Races by Post Time

If races are loaded by post time, when you select the next race with the Next Race toolbar button, the race that appears on your Race Screen will be the next race to start, selected from whatever meetings you have loaded.

Load Races by Track

If races are loaded by track, when you select the next race with the Next Race toolbar button, the race that appears on your Race Screen will be the next race to start at that particular track. For example, if you are now viewing Flemington Race 1, the next race will be Flemington Race 2, even if you have more than one meeting loaded.

The Load Races by Post Time or by Track option is toggled via the button beside the Load Meetings button, and does not need to be selected each time you Load Meetings. If you have selected say, Load Races by Track, this setting will be maintained for all subsequent loadings until you change it.

Then click the Load Meetings button to load all your selected meetings.

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