Described in its simplest terms, creating and running a system involves:
(a) Using the parameters panel at the left of the System Developer window to
create, modify or discard system rules,
(b) Selecting the range of data to
scan from the options panel at the right,
(c) Selecting other options from the options panel at right, if needed,
(d) Then clicking the 'Run' button
at the bottom to run the system over that data.
The System Developer then examines all the data in the date range you specified and the results are displayed in the two centre panes of the System Developer window - all the individual runners that meet the rules' criteria in the top pane, and at the bottom are the win/place percentages and financial results.
These results are sorted into categories which were defined by whatever Analyze by parameter you selected for this system run. What we mean by that is this...
To use a simple example, let's say you wanted to sort the results by Race State, ie the race in which the race was run. On the Race tab, select State in the parameters list, then click the Analyze by button under the list. Run the system, and the results will look like so...
Once the system has been run and results obtained, you can then re-analyse those results as many times as you like, by sorting them by any parameter. This re-analysing does not alter the results, it merely sorts them in a different way.
A re-analyse takes a much shorter time than a system 'Run', as the re-analysis, or re-sorting, involves only the data that were collected in the original 'Run', rather than the system again scanning all the data in the nominated date range.
Without running the system again, let's look at another example. Select Age Rest (Age Restriction) in the Race parameters and click the Analyze by button, then at the bottom of the System Developer window, click the Analyze button. The same data are now sorted into to the Race Age Restriction parameters - you will notice that the values in the Totals row remain the same.
The Analyze by function is a very powerful tool and can be used with almost all 700+ parameters. Here are a few more very simple examples of the use of Analyze by :
If, for example you wanted to Run or Analyze your system and have the results sorted in Race Distance order, you would select Distance on the Race parameter menu, the click the Analyze by button, run your system and it would sort the results by race distance.
The results could then indicate if your system was more effective over specific distances, over shorter or longer distances, or whether distance appeared irrelevant in this system. The Analysis summary below shows a portion of the results of a system, sorted by Distance. |
As an example to show the mechanics of how the System Developer
functions, we will look at the GTX Rating, and ask how often the
winners of races are included in, say the five top-ranked horses in
each race. Then we can re-analyse the results of, or the data
collected by that system run, with a variety of parameters.
Firstly, you
need to make sure that you have previously imported the relevant historical data into GTX, otherwise you will not have anything for the system to scan.
Then, to make sure you are starting with a system devoid of any rules, at the top of the options panel at right, make sure the radio button is checked beside ‘system’, then click on the system name, ‘Empty System’.
While you’re in the options panel, ensure the radio button is beside ‘selected dates from...’, and select a date range to run the system over, using the drop down calendars. For the purposes of this demonstration, to save time, pick a relatively short period such as a month. |
Also for the purposes of this demonstration, leave ‘Use RPD’ unchecked. This refers to the Race Profile Database, which you may not yet have created. Even if it has been created, leaving it unchecked for this demo with such a relatively small data range is OK. |
Now that the options are finalised, you can now go over to the Parameters panel on the left side. First, check that no rules have inadvertently been entered into your ‘Empty System’. The System Rules text box at the bottom of the pane should show only...
‘Current rules for: Empty System’.
As rules are created they will be listed here.
As mentioned previously, we wanted to look at the five top-ranked GTX Ratings horses. To enter the first rule, click on the Rating button [1], which then lists the various rating parameters. In that list, click on GTX [2]. Then, as it’s the GTX Rank we are interested in at this point, and not the GTX Price or Range etc, click on the Rank button under the list [3].
Just under the Rank button, you will see two checkboxes and two small text boxes which are there to receive the Minimum and Maximum values for the rule. Click in the left-most checkbox to enter a checkmark [4]. This indicates that you want to include horses that have the values in the range you are about to enter - in this case, horses that are ranked 1-5. The checkbox on the right indicates you want to exclude the range of values entered. Now enter 1 in the left text box and 5 in the right text box [5]. You will notice that this rule is now listed in the System Rules box.
On this initial occasion, to see how the decreasing GTX rankings vary, it would be a good idea to Analyze by, or sort by GTX Rank as well. As GTX Rating and Rank are already selected, just click the Analyze by button [6]. ‘GTX Rank’ will appear in the text box beside the button. |
Now it’s just a matter of clicking the Run button at the bottom right of the System Developer window [7]. With an average computer and an average month’s data, in about ten seconds you should have a result which will display in the centre panes of the window... |
The statistics bar below the Analysis pane displays the following information relative to the system results:
You can see from the Race Strike Rate (RSR) display in the statistics bar that in 76.8% of the races scanned by the system that GTX Ratings captures the winners within its five top-ranked horses. |
You may decide if you were building a system, to modify the first
rule to include only the single top ranked GTX horse, or even the
top two, but for the purpose of acquainting you further with the
Analyze by feature, we will continue with our single rule for
the moment, and analyse, or sort, the results by another
This time, we will analyse by Trakform Rank...
On the Parameters panel, the Rating menu is still selected, so... |
Click on Trakform in the list to select it. |
Then check that the Rank button underneath is still selected |
As you are only re-analysing, you don’t need to enter a rule this time, so click on the Analyze by button. Trakform Rank will appear in the text box beside the button. |
Then, instead of clicking the Run button, click the Analyze button. The system will then analyse the existing data, re-sort it and display it in Trakform Rankings... |
You are now aware of
the basics steps involved in adding rules, running the system and
re-analysing the data. The best way to become proficient in the use of the System
Developer is to play with it. Think up a base rule, enter the
rule, run the system over your chosen amount of data,
re-analyse it
by as many parameters as you see fit and then by some that don't
appear logical. Look at the results - what are they telling you? Try
some radical approaches - you are not going to make more money more
often by doing what everyone else is doing. New ideas for developing
systems will become more apparent to you the more you use the System
A few points worth noting...
[1] If the figures relating to place betting are of no interest to you, you can choose to deselect the 'include place totes' in the Options pane. |
The analysis will then show only the data related to win betting, like so... |
And the Statistics bar will show only a single row of win-related information... |
[2] The yellow lines between the upper and lower panes of the System Developer window can be dragged up or down to resize the panes individually. |
[3] The rule input on some parameters such as the Race Area shown at right, involves a choice from a drop down list rather than direct entry of rule data.
In these situations, click the green arrow which opens the list, then click to enter a check mark beside your choices and click the arrow again to close the list.
Don't forget the rule checkmark to include or exclude the choices. |
Other parameters such as the Race Claimer shown at right, simply need an include or exclude checkmark.
With the Horse Jockey, Horse Trainer and Horse Sire parameters, there is another type of input. Using the Jockey example, after selecting Jockey in the parameter list, click the green arrow to open the list of jockeys, double click the jockeys you want to include or exclude, and that name will be added to the list at right. To remove a name from the list at right, double-click it.
The same process is used with the Trainers and Sires.
To quickly get to a name on the list once the list is open, single click any name to select it, for example the first name in the list, then on your keyboard start to type the name you require. In the example at right, by the time you have typed 'dol', the name 'DOliver' will be selected. Double click the name to add it to the right hand list, then start to type the next name if any that you want, for example 'dni' which will select 'DNikolic'.
Yet another type of input is required by the Horse Place Strike Rate and the Horse Win Strike Rate. Here, you need to enter the minimum and maximum number of wins/places required from the designated number of the horses' most recent runs.
In the example at right, each horse would need to have placed 3, 4 or 5 times in its last five runs to pass the rule.
Please note that these parameters are different to the Win% and Place% in the parameters on the Race tab which are Career Strike Rates - that is, the number of wins/places expressed as a percentage of total career runs.
[4] When testing a system, if any rules are discarded, you need to do a full system
'Run', as the whole selected date range will need to be scanned again.
However, if you add a rule to the existing system after a system run, just click the 'Refine' button. This is much quicker than a 'Run' as it runs the system rules over only the data that were collected in the previous 'Run' rather than all data in the date range. |