Lock Options

Included in the optional fields for inclusion in the Field View are six bonuses and penalties which work in conjunction with, and affect Ratings. They are Allowance, Jockey Penalty, Barrier Penalty, Consistency, Mud Factor and Bog Factor.

Each of these can be toggled on or off with the column heading buttons, which, as you can see in the graphic below, are represented by the column headings All, JP, BP, Con, Mud and Bog.

The bonuses and penalties are used by ratings other than the GTX Rating which was optimised to work without penalties and bonuses. Accordingly we suggest that you do not use the Lock Options button with GTX Ratings unless you have a very specific reason and are fully conversant with the effect.

When you lock the Jockey Penalty (JP) on by toggling the column heading button on, the ratings in that race will immediately recalculate, the net ratings will change and, depending upon the values of the jockeys' penalties, the rated order, or ranking, could change.

If you then decided to apply the jockey penalties to GTX Ratings in all future races, you would then click on, the Lock Options button located on the Mini Speed Bar. After this, whenever races are loaded into GTX for viewing, the jockey penalties (JP) will be applied to the GTX ratings. The same applies to the other parameters, except for Mud and Bog Factors, which should be used only when needed for Slow and Heavy tracks.

To load future meetings without having any of these parameters toggled on, toggle the previously selected parameter/s to OFF and click on the Lock Options button to lock OFF again. Once you have loaded a race with the parameters toggled OFF you can then click the Lock Options button OFF.

If you have been experimenting with different settings and want to revert to the program's original, or default settings, then the easiest and most accurate way is to re-import all the meetings from the hard drive, with Lock Options turned off.

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