User Views


Included with some of the Extended Data Options is the User View feature which allows you to employ what is in effect three extra Field Views.

To set up an extra view, click on a User button which will display a default view.

Then right-click in the body of the view, but not on a horse’s name, and select your choice from the pop up menu to add, remove and/or re-organise the displayed columns, and/or change the display font in that view.

If you prefer, you can copy the layout from another User View or the Field View, and modify it to suit your requirements. To do this, right-click in the body of the screen, but not on a horse’s name, then click on Copy Column Layout from, then choose which view you want to copy.

Once you have the views configured to your liking, click on Program, then Save User Defaults.

At some later stage, perhaps after some temporary changes, you can select Program > Restore User Defaults to revert to the saved settings.

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